>Kim’s PrelovedReloved Style


And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle in that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
                                       -Dylan Thomas
Kim’s Eternal Love Style
We love Kim’s blog PrelovedReloved, and not just because she says she’s all about rocking the clashing flowers look right now, or that she scored the Topshop dress she coveted on Ebay for 4 pounds. . . yup, as in she’s British, not Entenmann’s cake pound cake style. A Northerner adrift in West London. . .we dig Kim’s dedication to digging for second-hand treasures because they keep the light alive. Dylan Thomas style.   

Both Kim’s grandfather and father had cancer, and she lost her father this January 7th. An ocean away, but somehow not so far, we took pause on a busy Friday afternoon. And it was worthwhile; the heart, when moved, is an elastic organ that knows no bounds.

In 2011, Kim will only buy second-hand clothing and is already spinning a fun, heart-warming blog about it – BUT also garnering attention for Macmillan Cancer Support in honor of both her grandfather and father.

With humor, with love, and with incredible grace and style Kim keeps the light alive, Dylan Thomas style.

>Anna Coroneo, Art and Fashion Style

>We find Owen Hoffman’s photograph from last night’s A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words Anna Coroneo exhibition very stylish. . .

Black and white. Movement. Scribbles. Frenzy. Humor. Art surrounds art style.

Photo credit: Owen Hoffman, Patrick McMullan Studios


As good as chocolate and peanut butter style. . . 

>Lady Gaga Can Thierry Mugler If You Like Style


All were upstaged by Lady Gaga, the great performing artist of the 21st century. . .
Suzy Menkes, The New York Times

I don’t speak German, but I can if you like style. Gaga literally goes gaga for her stylist Nicola Formichetti, so when the latter happens to be the designer for the legendary Thierry Mugler label (anything epic in the 80s is legendary in our book style) don’t think for one second the Parisian runways weren’t going to get a little appearance, NYC Style.

Obviously she’s from New York. . . here’s the whole show (which Mugler live streamed on their Facebook page) See for yourself why rumors are flying that even Anna smiled. . .

We love how Menkes’ Times article from this morning ends – quoting Mr. Formichetti: “It’s not so much about the clothes.”

It took Gaga to shut the Galliano frenzy up – it’s all about the Born This Way style, right Perez? It’s cool to be provocative, it’s cool to be a little crazy, but do it with some spread the love style. We’re all born this way style.

>Bryan Zaslow on BBC as Fashion World Continues to React to Dior’s Decision: John Galliano Sacked Style


>ZFiles: JBCStyle CEO Bryan Zaslow on John Galliano, Straight Talk Style


The toast of discerning sites like Style.com and all things Vogue and WWD just went from being dubbed “provocative and brilliant” to plain burnt toast in my eyes. The stench nauseates.  As for the scheduled show this coming weekend? Talk about Sunday, bloody Sunday.

As the Founder and CEO of JBCStyle, the leading fashion and retail recruitment agency with offices flanking both coasts, there is virtually no aspect of fashion I do not touch. I love what I do. I respect the people who work with me. And above all, I pride myself in being fair-minded and open to the opinions of others. I was shocked by John Galliano’s display of anti-semitism, but I make a practice – not only in the JBCStyle office, but also at home with my family – of being level-headed and not jumping to conclusions. I could sympathize briefly as industry heavy-hitters fumbled and tried to make excuses for such behavior. I waited for a retraction, or an admission, or even the slightest display of remorse on the designer’s part for a gross misunderstanding. And waited. 

Galliano’s recent overtures are too late. If he was joking, or being merely “provocative” in The Sun’s exclusive video, it’s a humor and a provocation I neither care to understand, nor have patience to decipher. By comparison, Natalie Portman’s immediate and public reaction was a beacon. Grey is lovely on a cashmere sweater, or a pair of slacks; not on morality. 

I find fence-sitters unstylish. Read more>>

>Vanity Fair-est. . . Oscar Style

>Mirror, mirror on the. . .hedge, who was the vanity fairest of them all? They’re so vanity they probably think this blog is about them. . .

Well-deserved style. . .

Where Justin Learned The Sexy Back
Annie was rose petals

Kate was perfection. . . what’s new style
Brooklyn was smoking. The name, the legs the. . . smile (everything style)
Victoire de Samonthrace style
Camilla Alves. . . Matthew finally met his match style

Oh oh Oscar style. . .